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Writer's pictureAneesha Mehta Sethi

The Rejuvenation

Oh Hello My Tribe!

Hope you all sailed through the hard August. And all we can say is that " We are just fine." I know August got some difficult wounds to the surface but that's the karmic month for all of us especially with the Lion's Gate Portal on 8/8. The anxious periods will subside after September 5, 2022.

Well, my geniuses just one more little step of Mercury Retrograde hitting us on September 9, 2022. It is definitely determined to affect the Gemini- the duality and the polarity sign of our zodiac.

September 10, 2022 is the full moon. It is definitely a potent one combining during Retrograde season. Please take a check on your agitation before lashing out. You don't want tor ruin the good for few moments of resentment and assumptions.

Keep those important conversations on hold. Let the plans follow through post October 12, 2022. But, this is not what we need to be focusing our energies on. What you need to focus in the change and transformation number 9 will bring for us. This month definitely brings a lot of quietude in little moments that will keep us going.

There will be moments of clarity, flashes of insight and the sturdiness for execution of our plans.

We could come to some delays in travel or communication. Let Mercury own it's power and we can show our power in resilience.

A lot of you will start experiencing internal changes around September 15, 2022. And boom our period of Rejuvenation will commence. The one we have been waiting for. Just to sit back and relax. Let the problems sort themselves out. Trust the process, trust the going away and trust the receiving. Follow the cues and seek the help you need. It is time to surrender the ego and the control mechanism that we all live in. Miracles happen in the unknown.

I have been connecting to a song last few days "Miracle" by Whitney Houston.

" The Choice is Yours, There is a Miracle in Store

Nothing Should Matter

Not When the Love Grows Inside You."

Let that love be self love my tribe. You matter the most."

You may experience upper body pressure and occasional headaches. It will be the new enriching energies hitting us for our way forward.

Around September 22, 2022; the long haul projects or situations will be making it's way to resolve themselves. Just let go! What according to you is letting go? Figure it out for yourselves geniuses. I know how hard you have been working all this while. You will reap the rewards if you are holding on to the blocks. When letting go, do not think of a technique. It is neither hostile nor negative. It is just an act that needs to come from a space of faith and a vision for your self.

"Let go of the attachment, keep the lesson."- L. J. Vanier

All in all, this month will definitely be way easier than the toughie of August. Universe always does test and reward us. Use this reward wisely.

As always I got your back my people.

A little bit of faith, trust and pixie dust is what I am praying for you all.

Shine on and smile always.

Stay Safe

Love and Light


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